I've just made myself a most satisfying soup supper that was simply superb. (I'll stop with the alliteration now, sorry) I made a sweetcorn soup (garnished with crispy fried corn and bacon bits - soups are all about the garnishes) with a Gorgonzola croûton.
Soups are so easy I don't really understand why I don't make them more often. Especially when they are as comforting as being wrapped up in a big duvet by a fire during a snowstorm.
Anyway, here's the "recipe", if you fancy this spectacular seasonal supper. (Sorry!)
Sweetcorn soup
2 corn on the cobs, kernels removed
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
1/2 potato, cubed
~450ml stock, chicken or vegetable
~100ml double cream
For the croûton:
Slice of bread
Some blue cheese, I had Gorgonzola
A dab of butter
A splash of double cream
To garnish:
A bacon rasher, fried until crispy and chopped roughly
A few corn kernels fried till brown and crisp
1. Sweat the onion and celery in a knob of butter and oil until softened.
2. Add in the potato, stock and corn, kernels and cob.
3. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 10mins or until the potatoes are cooked.
4. Remove the corn cobs and blend.
5. Add the cream and some water to get the soup to a satisfactory consistency and season.
6. For the croûton, lightly toast the bread on both sides.
7. Meanwhile, mix the cheese, butter and cream to a spreadable consistency. (I added a shake of cayenne pepper too, to add a bit of life).
8. Slather the cheese mix all over one side of the toast and return to the grill until brown and bubbling.
9. Fill a deep bowl with the soup. Garnish the with bacon and corn. Sit back and enjoy by dipping the crouton in soup.
P.S. A couple of days later I was watching Thomasina Miers on "Mexican Food Made Simple" with Thomasina Miers and she added a touch of allspice to a corn soup she made...
Glad to be of some inspiration!